
Archive for July, 2016



I had an ice cream waffle at Ice Cream Chefs today. That was a pretty bright start to my Wednesday.

Anyway, Alcest has finally announced their new album which will be out September 30th!! Judging from the cover art, I think we will see a slight transition back to their post black metal days, especially with the re-introduction of their signature logo as well as the darker colours, as opposed to the post rock album Shelters, which is also amazingly epic btw. Definitely gonna pre-order Kodama. I pre-ordered something for the first time awhile back (The Theater Equation) and it arrived one day before world release, so I might have the same luck with this!! Happy days.


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Here’s one of my songs, Cancri, which my band is practicing. This was recorded back in April, it has been awhile since I video logged my progress.

Things have been changing with my life. External factors have put me in a spot which makes me embrace a new look at the next few months which I should have seen coming for awhile. Well, actually I did, just did not expect this change to come so soon. I vaguely recall this phrase that it is that moment you are afraid to jump, that you should. Well I guess this is it.

I’ve only spoken this to my family and 4 other people. I do not want to speak about this so openly. It is not because it is something I should feel ashamed of or anything. I will just dread the barrage of currently unanswerable questions thrown at me from all directions. So unless I am clear and certain of my near future, I will not discuss it so openly.

But yeah, change. Change is a bitch, but change is necessary.

I met Zheng Yi for dinner today and I told him about it, and I told him how fast we were growing up and changing, whether we realized it or not. I told him that if this thing had happened, this forceful change, 3-4 months ago, my reaction will totally be different as compared to now. This isn’t even about what I would have done 5 years ago, or a year ago, as compared to now. It has only been a few months and that is enough for my perspectives to evolve. In his words, we are all ‘adult-ing’.

Heh I guess so, kinda hated that term, but he has a point.

Here’s a picture from last Tuesday. Stephanie came to Singapore and of course the uni mates met up for supper. Good to have catch ups with the guys and with Logen one last time before he flies back to Tassie for the final sem, and some catch up talks with Annabelle in the car as well. I always believe there will be friends who are close during a period of your life, but not at other times. That’s because they are just ‘friends of convenience’. Stuck in Tassie and you know this guy who seems okay, yeah sure friendships are made and we can be tight, but it will be like nothing once this chapter of our live closes. Met someone on first day in school and became good buddies? That’s cool! But can we say that they are as close during the following few months? Not necessarily. But then there are these friends like Logen, Annabelle and Naz, just to name a few, whom I know are always there, and vice versa.

Change is the only constant, but if we can grow up and change together, that ain’t so bad as well.

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