
Archive for April, 2010

The Quiet One

The Quiet One
I’ve not been talking to people often these days. Just been chilling by myself at my own time. And honestly, it feels good. As of now, it actually feels better to not be emotionaly attatched to someone.
I can’t wait for June/July, can’t wait for Isabel to return.
Anyway to quote from my Archisister, Mou, "With one more hour to live, I will live it with full of emotion, be it happy or sad."

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What is life? Why do people work so hard in life? What is their ultimate goal? Money? Support for parents or family? Themselves? Holiday? Why do they even take up jobs they don’t even enjoy? Money? Support for parents or family? Themselves? Holiday?
Grawrawrgh. Anyway, I just hate how some people go through life pretty cluelessly, or worse, blindly. I won’t say I’m blind, but a little clueless, yes. But i’m aware of that, that I’m confused. But one thing I know is that everything I do, I do with a consience, and well, I do it with God in mind.
I’ve done pretty unusual and perhaps daring things the past year or so. It could be different from what society expects of me, or even my social circles, but should that deter me from what I should do just to fit in? No. I’m not going to mimic the ideal lifestyle perceived by the company around.
Samantha was the latest person to ask me about the (annoying) choice that I chose of not using Apple products at all. And once again, I absolutlely hate it how Apple is trying to brand themselves as the IDEAL lifestyle. Ask people what do they bring out all the time. ‘Oh erm, my phone, wallet and iPod.’ Whatever happened to the term mp3 player? People are meant to be different. Embrace them and the fact, don’t wish them away.
So my jamming with the new band on Sunday went alright. Monolithia jamming in the afternoon was more awesome haha. The band name’s Grottesca. They play melodic death metal though it’s honestly quite neoclassical at times. The j-rock influencs in their songs are pretty evident. They play solely originals. I’m gonna jam with them tomorrow night again. Sorry Fuel, looks like I’m gonna forsake you for awhile. Lezlie’s the drummer in the band, always fun to have someone like him around. Heh.
"It’s normal for children to be afraid of the dark, but the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

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Yume De Aetara

Yume De Aetara
I just read another manga out of boredom. Yume de Aetara (If I could see you in my dream) is honestly a typical story of a hopeless guy getting married to a damn pretty girl. What’s new right? Haha. But what I love about this manga is once again the character developments in the story. Not only the main character and the main girl, but the people around them as well. The girl character above is one of my favs in the manga though she’s a really really minor character. How she changed from a wild girl to a responsible mother. Kinda reminds me like the dude in District9. I like it how they have flashbacks towards the end too, thus once again showing how the people have changed, or not. Haha.
Ah well, so sian, now that I have finshed reading it. Should I pick up another random manga to read?
Anyway I got approached by a band to be their bassist. Lezlie helped link me up since he’s in the band too. I agreed. Their (original) songs are quite progressive ar, have not ventured into that genre for awhile already. I have to admit it’s weird playing out of my style though, especially since these are original songs, but I guess it’s good experience. I’m jamming with Monolithia with Leonard covering drums in place of Winson this Sunday. I’m honestly looking forward more towards that session.
I think mangas teach me stuffs in a way or two. I appreciate life a little more now.
Sorry about the overseas and gradshow photos, I said I will upload them, but heh. just see my Facebook.

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Happy Easter folks.
I’m currently down with a really heavy flu. Hope to recover soon.
So once again I sang for Easter Vigil. It was pretty nice and simple with just a few friends. I wished a few more would show up though, but it was still nice I guess. Luke came down which was great since I have not seem him for quite awhile. I should meet up with him soon since I did not really talk much with him last night.
Been not been blogging as regularly. No motivation, I shall upload Perth and gradshow photos the next time I update.
"When you lived here, it was a city. When you left, it became a town."
Thanks Stacie for being a great friend.

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