
Archive for June, 2015

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“Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within”

Nightwish, Ever Dream

It’s been a day since I landed back in Tasmania and Isabel’s back in Singapore. I’m tired, feeling a little lonely, but thankful for the holiday and thankful for the friends here in Tassie as well. The trip’s probably too long to write in one post, I’ll split it up.

Overall, the trip to Melbourne was intense. It was fun, memorable and ultimately, it was what we both needed for the both of us. We stayed in the outskirts of Melbourne Central in St Kilda which was near the beach, taking an evening stroll under the skies of a magnificent blueish hue was mesmerizing. It was the first day where it wasn’t she exploring and me showing her around. We were both exploring together, dwelling within the unknown and getting familiar with it. And indeed we did, for St Kilda truly felt like our home as the days progressed.

Instead of driving, we walked, we took the tram, the bus and the train. We immersed ourselves with the effecient public transportation and we enjoyed it. Taking the tram back into town the next day, we searched for coffee places which Bel so dearly loves. She even had a huge broadsheet which was where she started her research from. As we headed to the chapel, we took multiple detours and somewhat intentionally got lost in the city. Finding our way back to the chapel, we prayed for awhile. I have not been to church for months. I felt undeserving and unworthy, but nevertheless I prayed for guidance and direction. I prayed and asked for a lot of things but at the same time, I thanked God for whatever I had, especially given the circumstances this year. I know that sometimes what I want won’t happen (well usually) because maybe something better is meant to happen. I prayed for what I wanted, but I accepted that it might not come in the form which I want. After everything, I wondered if my prayers will actually be answered. I left church because of a loss in faith, I did not have any hopes that it will change this time.

But it did.

After the museum, we headed to Brighton Beach where we spent another evening walking along the shores. It’s calming walking along there in the evening since all the other tourists were no longer there. Later that night, we talked, we talked about ourselves and we expressed how we felt about each other. Knowing it helps to unlock the path that bonds this friendship tighter. I’m glad it happened.

Honestly speaking, you know you’ve got a real gem of a best friend when she saves up her money for 2-3 years just to fly to visit you in another country.

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The Stings I Carry, Passion’s Grace 15/4/2014. Legana, Tasmania

Weep like the night-clad sky
a crumbled leaf in dirt I lie
For slumbers sweet embrace I try
and in my dream that I may die”

Funeral, The Stings I Carry

I am glad things are back to normal.

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Saviour II, Passion’s Grace 21/6/2015

I had misunderstandings with 2 friends, one last night, one a few hours ago. They led to heated exchanges but were ultimately resolved and had a happy ending. While I know no one are to be blamed for feeling so, I still feel somewhat rotten, especially after the more recent one.

Am I such a horrible person that even my best friend could doubt me, though for a few seconds? For once, I am at a loss of words, and I only feel sadness. Sadness upon my sorry self.

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We Were Here II

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Isabel’s Tasmanian adventure is over. I am blogging this on a Thursday night, our 2nd day in Melbourne. We are staying at a pretty simple but quaint 3-star hotel which has a nice cosy ambient feel to it.

The highs from meeting together after such a long time, though still frequent, don’t rise up as high as Cradle Mountain anymore. We’ve begun the deep talks that reveal ourselves inside and out the past few days and the more we talk and the more we spend these days together, the more I feel happy and lucky that this trip took place. I guess we both needed this. No friendship that stretches at least 9 years long simply survives by riding the waves.

No, we dived into the abyss, and found light at the end.

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We Were Here

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There is always the initial stage whenever you meet new people. You are more reserved, a little shy, just being friendly and courteous.

There is the common second stage where you get familiar with your friends. You laugh, joke, unleash lame jokes and puns continously with each other and just being the spark of joy. You bring brightness to the friends around you.

The past few days with Isabel here reminded me of my third stage – the comfortable silence; where I am how I am alone and there’s no need to change that, even though I am no longer alone.


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Photo: Joey Teh

Just wanted to share this photo, it’s a pretty cool photo. I like it very much.

Presentations are over, it seemed good. I hope it is indeed good. Isabel is here, and sleeping as I am typing this. She must be really tired having travelled all the way from Singapore overnight.

Hobart tomorrow (again), albeit just for a day.

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Photo: Guanwen

“Please heal me, I can’t sleep
Thought I was unbreakable, but this is killing me
Call me, everything, make me feel unbreakable,
Lie and set me free

In Flames, Delight and Angers

It’s been a good few days of both resting at home and heading out for adventures. It’s a nice mix, really. It isn’t so draining and yet I am still moving about not being stuck in my room for the whole day.

Big things are coming up soon; presentation, Isabel, Melbourne and the coming graduation easily fills my thoughts of the future. It is at times like these I enjoy these little quiet pockets of time for myself as well. To think back and look ahead always help to steady my mind and emotions.

I remembered being so reluctant to come back to Tassie this year because of her. Everything was going smoothly and building up back in Singapore but then I got whisked away back to nature’s abode before I felt I had a chance. Looking at it now, it was good that I truly moved on anyway. My heart can scream out for what it wants, but when I look at the bigger picture, some things happen because it is meant to be that way for good reason. I still think back, but no longer as often. They serve more as firmly locked memories than false hope. With this out of my mind for good at long last, I am now beginning to feel reluctant to come back to Singapore again. Yes, I miss the band, the food and all the little itsy bitsy spices of local life, but the places here and wonderful and the people here mesmerizes my soul. I truly feel that a majority of them here make more effort to connect than those back home. I guess it is really true that the place makes the people.

We’ve all got to say goodbye to everything one day. I just got to make sure I enjoyed it while it lasted. For now, I am proud to give a proper farewell to emotions and memories that held me back for a good 8-9 years.

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Savour, Passion’s Grace 12/6/2015. Devonport, Tasmania.

There is no pain without beauty at all.

Empyrium, Saviour.

What does it take to be cleansed off all your worries? My problems are as wide as the vast oceans but sometimes shrink to creeks so small. They can be parasites feasting within me but can sometimes simply be a speck of dust in my eye. They can be mountains higher than Everest but sometimes just stones on the ground.

But they ultimately still exist and it unsettles me.

I had coffee with Su Ni before she left for Melbourne. I’m gonna miss the presence of my secret friend. Favourite friend is gone, and so is secret friend now. She mentioned that life is short, it is important to have a life of good health. I replied saying it is more important to live it with no regrets. Su Ni pointed out that while that is true, we live a life of good health for our loved ones too, so that they will never worry, so that your parents will not be standing by your grave. Have I been too obsessed with myself that I have failed to realize that?

Isabel’s coming over in 7 days time, I am not feeling very excited for her although I am sure she is. Heck, I have not even booked accomodation for Melbourne nor acquired a sleeping bag for her stay here. Have I withdrawn myself into this shell that I refuse to be emotionally touched by the world?

What does it take to be cleansed off all your worries? In my case, I need to really find out what my problems are. I need to reduce them to dust before they do likewise to me.

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